The Weird Ones

Us, or the bottles?

The Weird Ones

This is a glass bottle

This is also a glass bottle

Know what this is? A glass bottle. Or jar. Whatever.

We do not yet have a large scale operation to save glass containers from the landfill, but we do collect some, and they are not all 12 ounce, long-neck beer bottles that we can work with. Some unique bottles make their way through.

But I still don’t like throwing them away.

So, to celebrate my 35th birthday recently, we invited some friends over to drink root beer (which we are currently not selling) from anything that could hold it, including a bunch of varied glass bottles from our collection. Among the Ugly Bottles, these are the Weird Ones.

It was a great turnout and we had a delicious time! My 8 year old has since taken to sipping root beer from a ¼ ounce hot sauce bottle, the type that you get at a fancy restaurant:

I taste a new tradition coming on.

Next steps for Ugly Beer?

We’ve been in a holding pattern as we determine the right next steps for this project and I navigate a trying season in commercial real estate finance with my established startup, StackSource.

We hope to establish an advisory board for Ugly Beer in the first half of 2024. We’ll be looking for people with skills and experience related to:

  • Bottling operations

  • Consumer branding

  • Circular economy

  • Food and beverage distribution

If you have someone in mind that would make a killer advisory board candidate, let us know.

Happy holidays!